Guidelines for Full length Paper for authors

5th International Conference of Physical Education and Sports Science  (5th ICPESS 2018)

Full length research paper: These research papers should not contain more than 08-10 type written pages including figures, tables and references.

Pages should be numbered consecutively and the contents arranged in the following order:

Title page: The manuscript title should be focused & sufficient information should be given to encourage potential readers to read the paper. Where possible the title should be one complete sentence. The title should avoid excessive description of the location of the research (e.g. the city, country etc.) unless it is important to the understanding of the paper.

The title should be followed by authors’ names. These should be given without titles or degrees and one forename may be given in full. The name and address of the institution where the work was performed should be given, with the main working address for each author. The title page should also include up to six keywords.

A) Introduction: The introduction should be a brief overview of the key literature that is relevant to the stated aims or hypothesis for the study.

B) Methods:  The  methods  section  of  the  paper  should  clearly  state  the  methodological approaches followed by the authors. Generally the level of detail should be sufficient to allow others  to  replicate  the  study.  Where  possible  make  reference  to  validated  methodology, providing  extensive information only where new methods were applied. It is expected that authors will report data as summaries rather than providing individual data points. Methods of statistical  analysis that are  used should be clearly described, and references to statistical analysis packages included in the  text. A statement of the number of samples/observations, average (mean or median as appropriate)  values and some measure of variability (standard deviation, standard error of the mean, range) is a minimum requirement for quantitative studies. Manuscripts utilizing complex statistical analyses may be referred to a statistical editor as part of the review process.

C) Results: These should be reported as concisely as possible, making appropriate use of relevant figures or tables.

D) Discussion: The discussion of the results should be presented as a separate section.

E) Acknowledgments: Acknowledgements should be provided a single paragraph after the discussion. Acknowledgements are required to indicate sources of funding, declaration of any conflicts of interest and a brief statement of any contributions from individuals not listed as full authors

F) References: The total number of references should normally be restricted to a maximum of

10-15. The references should be given in Harvard style of reference. When referencing a paper with up to six authors, all should be included, if there are more than six, only three need to be included,  followed  by et al. References to literature cited should be in alphabetic order and placed at the end of the manuscript.

G) Tables:  Tables  should  be  typed  separately  and  numbered  consecutively  with  Roman numerals (I, II, III, etc). They should bear brief title and column headings should also be short. Units  of  measurement  should  be  abbreviated  and  placed  below  the  headings.  Statistical measurement variations such as SD and SE should be identified. Inclusion of structural formula in  Tables  should  be   avoided.  Also,  tables  should  not  be  submitted  as  photographs. Abbreviations used should be given in the footnote.

H) Illustrations: Illustrations should be submitted in JPEG or TIFF format (size not more than 1

MB), numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals with appropriate Title and explanation of symbols in the legends for illustrations. Photomicrographs should have internal scale markers regarding details of magnification to facilitate reduction in size in final print. Symbols, arrows and letters   used    in       the               photomicrographs  should                        contrast   with            the       background.

I) Abbreviations:  Only  standard  abbreviations  are  to  be  used.  The  abbreviations  should conform  to the International System of Units (SI), throughout the text, Tables and Figures. Generic names of the drugs should be used. If proprietary brands are used in research brand name, name of  manufacturer and country should be given in parentheses after the generic name at the first place of use.